Citizenship Solutions

St. Kitts & Nevis Citizenship by Investment

A-Z Business Consultancy is providing confidential consultancy services for high net worth individuals who are interested to get benefits of citizenship by investment.

Obtaining a second passport and citizenship offers many advantages. It is giving you the freedom to travel without restrictions; greater security for personal or business purposes; additional banking privacy, etc. Whatever your reasons for seeking citizenship solutions through a second citizenship, you will find it valuable.

A-Z Business Consultancy is working with leading citizenship solutions provider who is licensed by the governments of St. Kitts & Nevis to be officially authorized in guiding clients through the application process. There are no additional charges from our side for services provided.

st. kitts & nevis consulting

About St. Kitts Citizenship by Investment

St. Kitts Citizenship by Investment, through the Citizenship-by-Investment Program of theFederation of St. Christopher (St. Kitts) and Nevis was established in 1984, making it the longest running and one of the most reputable programs of its kind in the world.

Through this Program, the Government of St. Kitts and Nevis is able to attract high net worthinvestors of good character to invest in the Federation. In exchange for full citizenship, investorsmay either purchase approved real estate in St. Kitts and Nevis or make a donation to the development of the country.

The real estate investment route is the only option which enables investors to recover funds used to acquire citizenship. Investors have the option to rent their property through an experienced management company, earn monthly rental income, and sell the property once the five year mandatory holding period has expired.

Applicants must be 18 years of age or older to apply for citizenship of St. Kitts and Nevis through the Citizenship-by-Investment Program. Applicants can include dependent family members such as children up to the age of 30 and parents over the age of 55. Applicants must be of good character and have no criminal record and provide a clean police report along with other supporting documents.

Once an applicant’s application for citizenship is approved in principal (approximately 45- 90 days from the date of submission of documents to the Government), and the requisite investment is made, the applicant, along with their included family members will become lifetime citizens of the Federation of St. Kitts and Nevis and be granted passports within the strict guidelines of the law and relevant regulations.

There is no physical residency requirement associated with St. Kitts Citizenship by Investment.Applicants have the choice to either live in St. Kitts and Nevis or to live outside of the Federation.

A minimum investment of US$400,000 qualifies foreign nationals to obtain full citizenship and a passport for St. Kitts and Nevis.

Terra Realty, a division of Corporate Solutions Ltd, provides expert, independent real estate advisory services to clients worldwide who are seeking Citizenship-by-Investment.

Investment Requirements – Real Estate

  • Government Due Diligence Fees

    (Fees are due upon submission of application to the Citizenship by Investment Unit and is non refundable.)
    US$7,500 main applicant
    US$4,000 spouse
    US$4,000 each qualified dependent age 16+
  • Minimum Investment

    (Investment is due upon official approval inprinciple from the Citizenship by Investment Unit and is non refundable)
    Full Ownership: $400,000 investment qualifies 1 principle applicant with dependents. It can be resold in 5 years and qualify new purchaser for citizenship.
    Fractional Ownership: $200,000 investment qualifies 1 principle applicant with dependents. It can be resold in 7 years and qualify new purchaser for citizenship.
  • Government Application Fees

    (Fees are due upon approval in principle)
    In addition to the real estate investment paid to the developer, the following Government Fees are applicable: US$35,000 main applicant
    US$20,000 spouse
    US$10,000 per dependent child regardless of age
    US$10,000 per dependent parent 55 or over.
Citizenship Application fees are extra and will vary depending on the number of dependents included in your application.

Need help with Citizenship by Investment!

Contact us to find out more abut St. Kitts Citizenship by Investment, rules and regulations. A to Z Business Consultancy is providing confidential consultancy services for high net worth individuals who are interested to get benefits of citizenship by investment.

Contact us for more info on St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment.

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